Glen Heggstad "The Striking Viking"
Today turned out to be a very nice day to take a bike ride, and many did so, to MAX BMW in North Hampton, New Hamshire. MAX BMW invited all interested to come and listen to a very, very interesting talk and slide presentation by Glen Heggstad the self proclaimed "Striking Viking". MAX BMW also provided the free lunch. If you read the entry below, you'll learn that the event that put Glen on the map, so to speak, was his capture in 2001 by Colombian Rebels while Glen was on a solo trip thru South America. Well, that is only part of the story. Glen has been to just about every point on the planet on his motorcycle, and has had more experiences than anyone could expect to have in one lifetime. One thing that Glen said, in his talk,that stood out, was that everywhere he went he was greeted with open arms. OK, maybe not in Colombia! But everyone he met on his long journey was very interested in him and his trip, and would often invite him to have a meal or stay in their homes. Glen said something that I think is very true, "Allover the world, people are the same. They all want the same things, and it's not the people that can't get along, it's the governments" He was welcomed everywhere he went. Glen's presentation was eye opening look at the real world. If you are interested in finding out more about Glen's travels, you can go to his Web site: where you can buy his latest book and DVD's.
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