Sunday, January 3, 2010

Rubby Tuesdays In Santiago

I came across this picture on the Internet, and it somehow looked VERY familiar. You can frequently find my motorcycle parked on the sidewalk here, and my butt parked at the umbrella table on the left of the picture (that's MY table), at about 4:00 in the afternoon (Happy Hour). This is just two blocks from where I stay in Santiago. The street is called Isadora Goyenechea, and is full of great outdoor eateries in the best part of Santiago. It's often referred to as "The Manhattan of Santiago". The storefront just behind the umbrella on the left, is the old "Hooters Restaurant" that unfortunately closed last year. Very sad! Directly behind where this picture was taken, there is a little side street, and on the other side of the side street is "Starbucks".

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About Me

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United States
Born in Santiago, Chile and living in western New York, USA