Tuesday, June 3, 2008

Back to Chile

With the latest spike in the price of oil, and with NO end in sight to the price hikes, I've decided to purchase my airfare for my next trip to Chile now while it is still somewhat affordable. With the price of airfare rising by the day, I will be staying in Chile for a longer period of time (two months) to make the elevated price worth it. The plan on my last trip, in February, was to explore the possibility of going to Ushuaia, Argentina (The End Of The Earth) next year by riding some of the desolate places in Argentina to get a feel for what it would take to make the trip to the southern tip of South America alone. I knew it would take more time than the month that I normally spend in Chile, so by going for a longer period of time it will be to my advantage. One advantage I will have in preparing for such a trip is Eric Cleaveland, a friend of mine, who is riding right now from the Southern tip of South America (Ushuaia) to the northern most point in Alaska. Eric is in Canada at the moment, and when Eric returns I will pick his brain for advice on riding in that part of the world. I know that riding in that part of the world is not easy, but if you've been following Eric's trip, you'll see that the trip will be well worth it

In preparation for this trip, one piece of equipment that will be accompanying me on my adventure to the "End of the Earth" will be the "SPOT Satellite Personal Tracker". This is a small GPS device that can save your life should you encounter a problem in a desolate part of the world where there is no other means of communication. This unit is capable of alerting rescue authorities in the event you need help, or loved ones to let them know you are alright. Go here to watch the videos and learn more about it: http://www.findmespot.com/home.aspx It's really quite a fantastic little unit.

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About Me

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United States
Born in Santiago, Chile and living in western New York, USA